Sunday, September 20, 2009

Surgery delay, potty training, and general updates..

Ok, first, Ella's surgery (that was supposed to go off last Weds) got rescheduled for October. Earlier last week she came down with a cold, and that added unnecessary risk to the surgery. (mostly because they need to put a tube in her throat during the procedure, and that doesn't mix so well with coughs and inflamed throats).

On the progress front, this weekend Ella spent all of her awake time in regular underwear, and had no accidents all weekend! She's actually very happy to be in underwear now, so it looks we're breaking through the PT barrier that the flu put in our way last winter. (we almost had her daytime PTed, but then a flu or flu-like illness struck, and Ella became afraid of underwear.)

On the speech front, Ella continues to chatter babbles at us, and continues to be quite prolific in it. She'll now say "I" and "Hi", although the distinction between the two is blurred. She'll also occasionally form "Doga" for Dog. Her babbles include "Da", "Dooga", "Tka/Tooka", "Ga", "Ra", "P", "Ba", "Ha", along with all (or nearly all...) the vowel sounds.

Anyway, just wanted to get a little news up on the blog, hope you're all well!

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