Friday, September 4, 2009

Oh the many sundry things..

It's been a long time since I've updated how Ella's doing, so here's some quick general bits..

Talking - Ella now occasionally uses a few crudely formed words with purpose. However, she's more inclined to use them as general bables than with any purpose. The most notable exception to this is saying "I" in the middle of signing "may I be excused".

Eating - Ella is doing really good with self feeding, and can now spoon her own cereal out of a bowl. She'll also pick up and bite chunks out of food that she strongly likes, such as fries and nuggets, although less favored foods still need to be cut up for her.

Motor - Ella's gotten pretty good at jumping (over, and over and over again) in-place in little short hops, and getting on and off her tricycle. Her motor is generally doing pretty good, although she is a little bit behind her peers in more ambitious climbing and balance adventures.

School - Ella went back school this past Thursday. She's now in a preschool class instead of a toddler class (higher age group) and is now in a regular early-childhood special ed program, not a MINC (higher development level). The later means that she's not with any of her former classmates, which is unfortunate, but she's doing fine with it.

Potty - Well, we're still working on this one. Ella does pretty well at using the potty, but her enthusiasm for wearing underwear instead of diapers varies wildly (often very resistant to wearing one or the other, usually wanting the exact opposite of what works for the planned day)

Anyway, hope you're all well, I just wanted to get a quick update of how things are going.

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