Saturday, September 6, 2008

Toddler bed follow-up.

Well, Ella has taken fairly well to the toddler bed. The first couple nights, she fell out once or twice. Since the bed is so low and we put pillows along side, this didn't really bother her and she just snoozed on the floor till I came in and put her back.

The only "hitch" of the transition was that up until Monday she *refused* to nap in the bed and would cry hysterically if left in the bed at naptime, so we had a couple napless days. However, that passed and now she naps in the bed without fussing about it.

Other than that, things are going well here. This morning we tried Ella in jeans for the first time since she started walking, and the reduced mobility resulted in several falls while trying to run around target. We spent the middle of the day indoors as tropical storm Hanna blew through, but it didn't really do much here but rain and blow down some small branches.

Anyway, I hope you're all well.

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