Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Fun at a wedding

This past weekend was my cousin's wedding, and we went, taking Ella with us. The rehearsal dinner turned out to be a blast for Ella. One of my other cousins has a 4 year old daughter, who was dressed in a bright-pink frilly tutu type dress. Ella thought this was the greatest thing ever, and proceeded to spend most of evening running following her and laughing her head off. When Ella would catch up, the other girl would turn around and poke Ella in the cheeks. This caused Ella to stick out her tongue and laugh even harder.

It was really great to see Ella having such a good time running around and interacting with other children.

Ella has also recently started walking around in grass without having her hand held. Since the surface is uneven this is a bit more difficult for her, and she's been resistant to doing so. However, by Saturday she was chasing her cousin Jake around the yard of the church.

On the language front, Ella is now up to34 signs. The 17 new signs ella has learned since August 12th are: cheese, on, wash hands, brush teeth, potty, please, sorry, cookie, bath, duck, flower, thank you, time, swing, tree, grapes, and slow. So, Ella has doubled her signs in a month and 10 days.. not too shabby.

Ella is also taking much better to the toddler bed. She finally took a nap in the bed. For a while she wasn't napping, then she started napping on the floor in her room, and now she's napping in the bed.

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