Wednesday, January 9, 2008

Ahh, the holidays have passed..

Yes, I know they passed a while ago, but it feels like they just ended recently because everything else has been so busy trying to "catch up".

In any event, Ella is doing well. Over the holidays her number of signs expanded to 3. She now does her own versions of "more" "finished" and "food/eat". Of course her versions are hardly ASL, but we've learned them.

Ella's independent walking continues to improve. She sometimes will shift directions mid-walk without trouble, and she can go up to 10 steps at a time (although usually it's more like 6) before she stumbles or won't try because it's too far. She's also gained enough confidence that she'll sometimes go to an inanimate object instead of another person. (she knows people will catch her if she falls, so she's more comfortable walking towards a person.)

In any event, I hope you all are doing well, and I hope to see all our local friends and family sometime soon.

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