Tuesday, March 18, 2008

pinball walking....

Ok, so last night I had a big update on Ella's walking progress from Sunday night. This morning I got to see another.

Ella is now "pinballing", free walking back and forth between multiple different pieces of furniture, all in rapid succession with little hesitation. From the chair to the couch, from the couch to the ottocube, to the loveseat, couch, chair, tv, ottocube.. boing, boing, boing..

It's all very cool to watch, and she finds it very enjoyable.

Now we've still got plenty of gross-motor skills to to work on, but this is great progress. She still needs to work on stopping, standing around and starting again. She can already do this, but it is really the rare "I got distracted" thing, not something she'd do intentionally.

Monday, March 17, 2008

More walking updates...

Sunday night me and Karla did more "walking practice" aka "baby tennis" with Ella. This is our usual bit where we sit 5 to 10 feet apart, then have Ella walk back and forth between us.

Sunday I tried something a little different. While Ella was coming down the hall at me, I scootched across the floor so that I was around the corner from her. And to my surprise, she rounded the corner just fine and got me. After a few passes of this, I was able to let Ella go at the bathroom, and she'd take off and round the corner heading for mom without even being able to see her when she took off. For us that's a major advancement in walking bravery, which is very important as her primary obstacle to walking seems to be fear of falling or taking chances.

Her total trip was 16 feet, 5 1/2 feet from the bathroom to the corner and another 9 1/2 feet from the corner to mom. So it's also a new distance record.

We were not able to get her to make the return trip blind. I had to lean my head out around the corner to get her to take off, but it's still a major advancement. With a few more goes at it, I'm sure we can get it going.

Unfortunately, we didn't get any walking practice today, I had to head to work in a hurry when I woke up at 8 this morning, and worked past Ella's bedtime. Hopefully we'll get some in tomorrow morning.

Saturday, March 8, 2008

Flu and emergency room update...

As I mentioned in my last post, late Thursday afternoon we took Ella to the emergency room for hydration. Thursday night was a bit rough, but she's now almost completely better.

Today, two days later, Ella is doing well and no longer shows any major signs of being sick. She had no fever today and didn't vomit at all. She did sleep a lot, ate a little bit less than normal, had one loose stool and a lot of gas, but that's all for signs of sickness.

One thing that did come up in her emergency room visit was her liver enzymes were a little elevated. Nothing serious, and viruses can cause this, but it's a little rare in stomach flu type viruses. In a month we need to take her in for a liver function test, just to make sure there's not an ongoing liver problem.

Friday, March 7, 2008

Stomach Flu again..

Well, Ella's sick with the stomach flu again (or rotavirus, or whatever else is going around).. She got violently ill yesterday, and couldn't keep anything down, not even water. By late afternoon she was getting listless and shaky, so after my wife called the pediatrician, we took her to the hospital.

Going to the hospital perked her up because it was a new place, and the doctor who saw her wasn't terribly concerned, but ordered and IV of fluids and a little bloodwork as well. Originally they were just going to IV her for an hour (200ml/hr of sodium chloride 0.9% solution), however after the bloodwork came back they upped that to 2 hours and gave her a dose of zofran for nausea.

So, we spent a bit under 4 hours at the hospital last night (from about 5 to about 9), but it turned out to be a good thing. about 75% of the way through treatment Ella felt much better and started drinking water out of a soda bottle (I got it for my wife, but Ella protested vehemently until we gave it to her). She drank about 8oz and kept it down, which was really good.

She's still quite sick, but has been able to keep fluids and simple foods down now without immediately vomiting. She got sick once today, but that's not so bad.

As for the parents, both of us are feeling a bit run down, but it's hard to tell if that's lack of sleep and stress, or if we're coming down with it too...

Hope you're all staying well...

Sunday, March 2, 2008

Stair Climbing/crawling..

Our home has no stairs in it, so Ella gets little exposure to them other than concrete steps outside. So, normally she's only given the opportunity to practice walking up them.

Today we were over visiting the 3 B's and Ella successfully crawled up a short 3 step staircase without any help. Generally speaking that's no major achievement, but it was also the first time she'd ever had a chance to try :)

Also, while she was walking around between adults she did a really nice change of direction. She managed to stop, turn 90 degrees, and start going again without wiping out. While it wasn't the most graceful maneuver, it was impressive none the less. In the past she's managed to stop and resume, and she's managed to turn while walking, but she's never turned in place before.

All in all it was a lot of fun, and only mildly chaotic.