Monday, February 4, 2008

The flu and speech therapist...

Well, thinking I was "coming down with" the flu was an understatement.. both me and Karla got hit quite severely by the flu on Saturday night. Although my stomach recovered fully by Monday morning, I was still a bit sore and weak as my body was still recovering from the abdominal muscle strain, dehydration and fever. As a result, I took today off work to recuperate.

Flu aside, Ella saw a Speech Pathologist this morning for the first time. That was fairly helpful, and we got some feedback on some of the tactics we've been using, and some tips on recognizing some of her attempts at speaking so we can better encourage them.

It was also recommended we take Ella in for an audiological screen. This is a detailed hearing test, and a test with a device called a tympanometer that bounces sound waves off the eardrum and tests the movement of the eardrum by analyzing the reflected sounds.

Ella's hearing appears to be fine because she's got an excellent receptive vocabulary (she can clearly discern over 100 words that we've counted). However, because she keeps pulling on her left ear they want to screen for fluid trapped in her ear. It's probably just a frustration or boredom habit, but it could be a sign of trouble there.

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