Thursday, December 20, 2007

Steady Progress...

Well, Ella's still not walking, but she's getting *really* close..

She's now to the point where she'll play the game where one of us helps her walk toward the other, then lets go when she gets close. She'll usually take one or two good steps then loose her balance (at which point we catch her).

This kind of thing has been going on for a while now, but she's really improving at it. Recently we were playing this game and when I let go of her and she stopped, balanced for a second or two, then started walking towards Karla, took 3 steps, then fell into her arms. Being able to start herself moving without throwing her balance off is a very good step.

Also, about a week ago when we were playing that game she tried to stand up without holding onto anything. She got herself on her feet with her hands on my lap, pushed off and stood herself up without touching anything. Of course, she promptly toppled over and I caught her, but that was a "risky" thing to do, and it was very good to see.

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