Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Progress, mostly in food

As noted over on MentalMother, Ella's been making very good progress at eating solids. In the past we've had a lot of off-again on-again gagging problems, but we've never seen her do as well as she did this past weekend.

Friday, Karla tried giving her some chicken that had been crock-pot cooked, and ella ate it fine.

Saturday, I tried cottage cheese, which has been a long-term problem for her due to its mixed texture. She ate it fine at multiple feedings.

Sunday I had her double-fisting puffs and cheerios in the afternoon, and Sunday night we went out to dinner and she had several different foods off our plates (grilled chicken, broccoli, mashed potatoes, spinach in a cream sauce..)

Overall it was a good weekend, and her eagerness Sunday night to just keep munching down new things was really great.

On the motor front, Ella's continuing to have good progress. She's been continuing to roll without help on occasion, and is also doing a lot of work on climbing onto our laps. She's not very proficient at the climbing, but she tries it a lot.

On the communication front, Ella's doing a fair amount of multi-syllable babbling, and seems to be trying to say "duck" a lot, although it comes out more like "adook". She's also clearly understanding several words and phrases and a few commands, and the list keeps growing. She knows how to "turn the page", and can find a few body parts (although some she always does herself, and others she always does you.. i.e.: it is always her ear, but your nose, no matter which you really asked about.)

We're continuing to work with the PT for her gross motor on a weekly basis. We're also meeting less frequently (monthly or so) with an OT for her eating, and a special educator for her communications and other more general advice.

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