Sunday, January 31, 2010

catching the blog up...

Ok, first a little oldish news that I haven't relayed to the blog:

At a meeting with Ella's OT, she suggested that Ella may have depth perception issues, and we might want to take her to a developmental optometrist. We took that as good advice and the results were that Ella is severely farsighted (+7.5 d), and can't focus on things close to her. As a "stepping stone" the optometrist suggested getting glasses at +6.5 see how she does with them, and visit for a follow-up (which is coming up in a week or 2 now).

Now for the rest:

Since getting the glasses, Ella has greatly improved in several areas, particularly in motor ability. The ability to focus on things close to her has given her a better ability to traverse stairs, jump, and the confidence to run around. Her general activity level is also up quite a bit. It has also increased her attention span for hands-on activities etc. We also expect this will have a positive impact on her speech, as she'll be able to see the details of how we move our mouths and tongues while speaking. She still has some motor obstacles to speech (i.e.: she cannot curl her tongue upwards yet), but the glasses at least remove one obstacle.

Of course, we recently had her mid-term IEP meeting with her teachers, where we plan her education goals, therapy levels, etc. Unfortunately, all of the review was written before her glasses arrived, and some of her goals are likely to be rather low now that she can see better. On the upside, we've got another meeting to discuss summer semester soon, and her teacher mentioned we may amend her IEP at that meeting if needed.