Thursday, October 22, 2009

All is well.

Just to let everyone know, Ella is home and doing very well. She's got a good appetite, when we got home last night she immediately spotted a bowl of goldfish crackers, walked over and stuffed a handful in her mouth. She's been sleeping a lot, but when she's up and about she is acting like her usual happy self. She doesn't seem to be in any serious pain, but was a bit fussy about me changing her bandages this morning. Even that was a fairly mild protest; she was whining about it, not crying or screaming.

At this point, I expect she'll be OK to go to school on Friday, although you never know for sure.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Ok so we are going home

Things went well and the doctor has decided not to keep ella overnight

-- Posted from my iPhone

Proceedure done

The proceedure is done and went very well. Still not positive she will stay overnight, but it is likely.

-- Posted from my iPhone

They are using the amplatzer

They have decided to use an amplatzer, which is the larger device and Ella will likely be staying overnight

-- Posted from my iPhone

The are starting

Ella is fully under and the catheters are in place. Next step they will inject dye into her heart and take xrays to measure the pda and determine what device to use. This will take about 1 hour.

-- Posted from my iPhone

Waiting waiting waiting

We are now waiting arround the lobby. The nurse will call us 3 times with status updates as they proceed. I'll be posting those as they come.

-- Posted from my iPhone

In anesthesia

Ella is currently in anesthesia. She is only mildly sedated and will be slowly taken deeper over the next hour or so.

-- Posted from my iPhone

On our way.

We are on our way to the hospital. Assuming pre-op doesn't show she is getting sick, the heart proceedure will be today.

-- Posted from my iPhone

Sunday, October 18, 2009

Surgery on for Weds.

As of this morning Ella is healthy and not sick in any way, so we have begun her pre-op asprin therapy (as directed by her surgeon). Assuming she stays cold-free we'll be on for Weds am.

I am also testing the Iphone app I'll be using to post from the hospital.

-- Posted from my iPhone