Monday, October 27, 2008

A quick update...

Ok, it's been *way* too long.. sometimes life just gets busy..

In any event, the three of us have been fighting colds for the past week or two. At this point Ella's pretty much over it, and me and mentalmother are on the down-swing of it.

In other recent progress, Ella started standing up on her own, without using anything to pull up on, a little over a week ago. At first it was rare unless you specifically asked her to do it, but she's now doing it quite regularly on her own as a way to get up to standing. Previously she'd have to crawl over to something to hold onto to either pull (tall item) or push (short item) up on.

She's also continuing to develop her signs, and they're now coming fast enough I'm sure I've missed documenting some of them. But she's up to 52 I've documented, and who knows how many more she has. Back in august she had 15 that I posted as a list. Here's her current signs, in more-or-less the order she learned them:

Eat, More, Milk, Light, finished, Dog, Open, Book, Shoes, Daddy,Music, Hug, bird, Drink, cracker, cereal, play, cheese, on ,wash hands, brush teeth, potty, please, sorry, cookie, bath, flower, thank you, time (used to request signing time videos), swing, tree, grapes, slow, car, motorcycle, clothes, silly, rock, game, train, boat, ice cream, socks, cold, like, blanket, hat, excused, break (this one she invented her own sign, and was not taught the ASL version), bed, baby.

That's not a huge vocabulary, but it's enough to express a lot of basic needs and interests.

Anyway, I best get some sleep. Hope you're all well.

Monday, October 6, 2008

A weekend of Ella fun.

A while ago, a friend had recommended Dutch Wonderland as a good place to take a young child after he took his daughter there. This weekend, we decided to take a long weekend and go up to Lancaster, making Dutch Wonderland one of our stops.

The amusement park was quite good. Ella was only able to ride the smallest group of rides, but there were quite a few for her, and she had a good time on them. She particularly enjoyed a "VR" ride, that was essentially a small movie theater in a bus-shaped capsule that rocked wildly on hydraulics. She laughed hysterically the whole time.

During our trip, we chose to stay at the Willow Valley Resort. This was a really nice place to stay too, and is very child-friendly. The resort has a indoor pool complex that's a lot like a small water park and Ella had a great time there. A lot of the water was shallow enough Ella could walk around in it. Walking in water threw her off for a little bit, but she quickly got the hang of it. We wound up getting a package plan that included breakfast and dinner at the resort. The breakfast smorgasbord is decent, but the dinner one generally left a lot to be desired. We actually wound up using one of our dinners as credit towards their Sunday brunch instead, and that was really very good, bordering on excellent which is really surprising in a buffet-style setup. It was really a day-and-night scenario with no comparison at all.

We wound up staying 3 nights, which was probably more than we needed, but it let us take our time and enjoy ourselves. I think next time we'll go for a shorter stay, and avoid the in-house dinners, but it's certainly worth doing again sometime later on.