Wednesday, July 30, 2008

More walking..

In the past week or so Ella has continued to become more outgoing about walking and demonstrating more skill at it than ever before. This is good because for a while she had regressed, at least in what she was willing to do, but as of today she matched her previous distance record. (down the hallway and around the corner to the bathroom, which she last did mid march)

She's now walking without merely concentrating on where she's going and quickly walking there. Instead she's looking around or down at her feet, playing with her hands, etc. She's also picked up the cute habit of walking around with her hands clasped behind her back. I need to get a photo of this because it really is very cute :-)

She's also doing a lot of turning without touching things. When she's walking back and forth between me and Karla, more than half the time she'll come up to you and without touching you (or just poking you on the nose with her fingertip) she'll turn around and head back to the other parent. I can also get her to follow me around corners without touching the walls, at least some of the time.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Recent progress, more walking/babling.

Ok, I've been *really* busy lately, but I really feel bad about not blogging lately.

In any event, Ella is continuing to progress albeit at her own pace.

In the walking department, Ella is starting to show more bravery about walking on her own. She's still not fully walking independently, but without hesitation she'll take 6' "jumps" between objects. She also tends to not be constantly touching things when walking along them, instead walking with a hand hovering near things, but not on them. Our current gross motor work is focused on developing the ability to stand up in the middle of the floor, and improving her climbing.

In the speech department, Ella has been starting to use vocal sounds in relation to items, like "buh" in relation to bubbles. She doesn't do it all the time, but we do see it occasionally.

In any event, we've got a lot of preparation to do for the weekend, so I best head to work so I can head home sooner.