Ella continues to make good leaps and bounds lately, as we've seen ever since Ella got her glasses. She's speaking more and her motor skills are making good progress.
On the gross motor front, Ella's learned to make small forward jumps in order to hop her way across the floor. Previously she'd only been jumping straight up-and-down. This is good because it takes a lot more confidence and balance skill to jump forward than it does to jump in place. Her climbing is getting a lot better, but she's still behind in this area, but that will come in time with better balance.
Speech-wise, Ella is now up to using a total of 8-12 spoken words and word approximations, which vocabulary wise is more on par with a 16-month old than a 3.75 year old. Her diction is also pretty crude, again like the younger child.
However, one interesting twist is that Ella is already putting these together to make sentences, and also combining them with ASL signs. This is very amusing, because usually children with such a limited vocabulary only use single words. Hearing Ella very roughly say "Hep Meh" (help me) is an interesting contrast. Her speech ability is really basic, but it contrasts with her more comparatively advanced conceptual language abilities.
Of course, we're used to out-of-order development but it continues to amuse me.